Slave to Mr. Stinny (The One and Only Blind Super-Cat): The Anal Retentive Kitty

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Anal Retentive Kitty

I now have to accept that if our cats were actually my husband and my offspring, Mr. Stinny would be the EXACT GENETIC OFFSPRING OF MY HUSBAND!!!! When I left Mr. Stinny this morning, he had his black and yellow bee toy (his most favorite very bestest toy!) in our bed with him. When I say in our bed, I mean tucked in, under the covers, with his head on my pillow. If he wasn't blind, he would probably use my sleep mask.

As I said, when I left Mr. Stinny, he was asleep in bed with his toy. After work I went into my room to promptly change out of my work clothes and what did I find? His toys, neatly placed perfectly parallel to each other and perfectly perpendicular to the line around the rug.

My husband is VERY neat. His desk at work is EXTREMELY organized with every thing perfectly organized in their specific place. I just LOVE moving things around in his desk. As a complete slob, it's very very very satisfying. And, as you can see, here is an example of my shoes slightly in disarray. Mr. Stinny is the anal retentive kitty. Like father like son.


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