"Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job."
As many of you are, I am terribly troubled by the situation in New Orleans. I hate to see my furry brothers and sistahs left behind to fend for themselves. I urge everyone to make contributions toward helping both the four and two legged displaced residents of the gulf region.
Anyway...what really is on my mind is Dubya's affectionate nicknames for his "homeys." For example, Rummy for Rumsfeld. That might be ok because it refers to alcohol and no one can get mad at a reference to liquor. But Brownie!!??? What the hell is wrong with this guy?
What's next?
Dick Cheny: Dicky
Condaleezza Rice: Le(e)zzi (instead of Condi) or maybe Weezie (reminiscent of the Jefferson's)
Norm Mineta: Minnie
Alan Greenspan: Greenie or Spammy (yes, I realize its Span but Spammy is just so cute)
Should we be calling him Bushy? Such as "Good job being prepared for the Gulf Coast disaster, Bushy!" "Bushy, helluva job finding those weapons of mass destruction!"
Let's remind Bushy, these are people who work in high offices of the federal government and not his freakin' pets! Either way, Brownie resigned.
Oh, Roxanne, Shrimpycat says she knows where you are.
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