Slave to Mr. Stinny (The One and Only Blind Super-Cat)

Thursday, January 19, 2006

7 Things I Plan to do Someday
1. Have the Church of Mr. Stin be the most popular church in the world
2. Eat an entire chicken
3. See if Chief Justice Robert’s hair reallly moves
4. Marry Biggy D
5. Take a 19 hour nap
6. Eat an entire chicken
7. Learn to toot on command

7 Things I Can do
1. Eat
2. Sleep
3. Poop
4. Meow
5. Kill bugs
6. Eat rodents
7. Rule the world

7 Things I Cannot do
1. I can’t thee athhole, I’m blind, god damn it!
2. Marry Biggy D
3. Understand Chief Justice Roberts’ hair
4. Go outside – that sh*t freaks me out
5. Willingly go into a cat carrier
6. Kitty fart on command…yet
7. Jump on the counter (see 1)

7 Things that Attract me to Another Cat
1. Fur
2. Willingness to groom me non-stop
3. Ability to hunt
4. Wrestling ability
5. Polydactyl (extra digits)
6. Willingness to share leftovers
7. Outstanding, perhaps borderline obsessive, grooming habits


At 9:22 PM, Blogger Jeremy said...

ahhhh.....a 19 hour nap. You are my kind of critter.

At 8:54 AM, Blogger Veronica said...

I try my best. I hope to have my church be bigger than the mormon's. AND I will let anyone in my temple...if I have one...

At 8:24 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

When you enter the temple, you have to lick Mr. Stinny.

At 2:38 PM, Blogger Veronica said...

How about you have to lick Biggy D? He already is missing half his fur... It could also be a right of passage b/c he would likely maim the person licking him in some manner.


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