Slave to Mr. Stinny (The One and Only Blind Super-Cat): A Big Freakin' Wall?

Friday, April 07, 2006

A Big Freakin' Wall?

As a cat who doesn't go outside, I am unfamiliar with this whole "fence" concept. Basically, the gubberment's idea to keep out the scary illegal aliens who do the crappy ass jobs that no one else wants to do is to put a big ass wall along the border. Ooohhhh Ahhhhh. How clever. Let's be even more xenophobic than we already are. Better yet, let's put a fence around Canadia so we can keep those strange "aboot" and "eh" people out too. How dare they come down here and buy souvenirs!? I will be hiding under the bed now so none of those border patrol agents will git me since I am from the country of Utah and all.


At 12:24 PM, Blogger Tracy said...

Off topic a little bit, but now that we're official, professional attorneys and all, have you thought we might have chosen the wrong profession or is that just me?

Probably me, I watched a veterinary show today. I'm wishing my clients couldn't talk again and that most things could be solved with a shot or two (and not just because I want to stab someone with needles).

At 7:49 AM, Blogger Veronica said...

Ummmm....YES! I miss working with animals and law clients irritate me on a regular basis. Also, people continue to ask me for animal advice and I seem to know that better than the law. I might start volunteering at a wildlife rehab center nearby to get my animal fix. The support staff ask why I didn't go to vet school instead. I keep asking myself the very very same thing. Sigh

At 7:36 PM, Blogger Tracy said...

If your like me it was because you thought you could do more good as a lawyer. Now I feel like I'm helping rich clients get richer.

Wanna go to vet school next?

At 7:50 AM, Blogger Veronica said...

That's pretty much on target. My critters' veterinarian keeps trying to talk me into going to vet school. Maybe some day... Are you considering it?

At 5:05 PM, Blogger Tracy said...

SSSSHHHHHHHH. Don't tell Clif.


Actually yes, it has crossed my mind. But I have two undergrad courses I would need to finish: Organic Chem and Biochem. Two semesters and then I could apply.

Clif would have fits. My parents would have fits. Actually everyone would have fits, except me who would grin sheepishly and shrug.

For now though I think I'm pretty locked in to this attorney thing. I can't find a viable way out.

At 11:02 AM, Blogger Veronica said...

I'm locked in to it too. I keep thinking of other ways to work with animals. One option is to live out in the country and have alpacas, exotic hens for eggs, and other random critters running freely (of course safely enclosed in a protective area).

Also, I'd like to have an organic farm/garden. Maybe a vineyard too (they have a lot of those up here). I can only dream...


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