Slave to Mr. Stinny (The One and Only Blind Super-Cat): Running Fool on Music

Friday, December 08, 2006

Running Fool on Music

The emphasis is on fool. Yet again, I am running in another 5K road race tomorrow. My calves are quite sore from running on the treadmill this past Wednesday. Also, it is going to be cold with the possibility of snow and ice on the road. Of course, that can be treacherous for a person like me who sprains her ankle jumping off a deck (age 9), breaks her foot walking across the living room (age 10), breaks her thumb playing lacrosse (age 17), and breaks her wrist bicycling (this summer). I think that I might need some padding for this outdoor run.

Besides worrying about my unbelievable klutziness, I decided I need to bring le i-pod for this run. The question is: what type of music should I save for running? I looked on Google for some suggestions and found a pretty wide assortment of genres. Runners suggested everything from House of Pain to Britney Spears to Cypress Hill. There are certain songs I sing in my head (because if I were to sing out loud I would either hurt the other runners' ear drums or I would pass out because I could not possibly run AND sing at the same time) including The Doors "Break on through to the Other Side". It actually becomes more of a chant and I repeat that lyric over and over and over again until I pass into a zen like trance. Obviously, downloading just that line from the song onto my ipod would probably end up causing some sort of breakdown and Jim Morrison type hallucination in the midst of mile 2.7 thereby causing me to run through the woods dodging half tiger half squirrel creatures. By the way, I cannot believe I put in "tiger squirrel" in Google Images and found a tiger squirrel.

Which brings me to: what songs should I listen to so that I run faster and don't get bored? These decisions are killinggggggggggg meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.


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