Slave to Mr. Stinny (The One and Only Blind Super-Cat): Where to Go, What to Do

Friday, December 15, 2006

Where to Go, What to Do

Prof. H. is up for tenure next year (actually 2008) and he has a pretty decent shot of getting it. After all, he worked his ass off for three years while I was elsewhere getting my JD and continues to work his ass off while I am living in the very same house as he. Go figure crazy anal retentive type-A personality.

Because he has been working hard and he will have a HUMONGOUS GINORMOUS BIGGY weight off his shoulders if/when he gets tenure, I would like to do something celebratory for him (and me - let's not kid ourselves). Besides having a huge party where large amounts of sushi and alcohol are consumed, I would like to take him on a fantastic, once-in-a-lifetime voyage.

And no, I do not mean Disneyland. For the life of me, I cannot understand why anyone would answer the question: "Now that you have won [insert championship here], what do want to do now?" with "Go to Disneyworld!". Theme parks scare the shit out of me and I think it stems from my fear of clowns, Santa Claus, and generally fitting into society.

I mean photo safari in Africa, river cruise in Russia, hiking to base camp of Mt. Everest amazing. At first, I thought a trip to Europe would be nice. Going to Italy and France. People watching, drinking wine, eating great food. But then I realized, this is the time to do something amazing before we become too wrapped up into what we are doing. Now is the time to throw a backpack on and look adventure straight in the eye. To take passport in hand and ask: "Where next?" To wear the same pair of underwear five days in a row. Okay, not really. That is for my coworkers who mock me for reusing Ziploc baggies. SCREW THEM!

So hopefully in June 2008, Prof. H and I will be on a great travel extravaganza that we will talk about well into our old old age when we are grey and wrinkled with fleeting memories of our more adventurous times.


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