Slave to Mr. Stinny (The One and Only Blind Super-Cat): They are at it AGAIN!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

They are at it AGAIN!

DAMN! I thought I was safe. The NSA or National Security Folks or Big Brother (you pick) are TRACKING MY PHONE CONVERSATIONS! Lately I have put Biggy D in charge of my phone campaign to get The Church of Mr. Stin followers to contribute chicken. Now it means Big Brother will know who the followers of my cult are . Whoops! I meant church. Plus, for some reason, many of my followers are in Communist Vermont so of course I'm on their radar. That means they will be especially interested in me. It's not like I am trying to overthrow the federal government. I just plan on taking over some local churches to spread my message of chicken and naps and TURN OFF THOSE DAMN BELLS. A cat can't get a nap around here without being woken up by church bells tolling versions of Britney Spears songs.

So my friends, I am disconnecting my phone, halting my phone campaign, and, again, hiding under the covers so Big Brother can't git me.


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