Slave to Mr. Stinny (The One and Only Blind Super-Cat): Learnin's from the Holidays

Monday, January 01, 2007

Learnin's from the Holidays

I thought I was original but hell, I am not. Emma wrote about three things she learned about at her family gathering. Initially, I contemplated making a list of things I loved about the holiday and three things I hated about the holiday but that seemed too negative. One of my fake resolutions is to try to not be so negative (I deliberately wrote "not be so negative" because I don't really want to become Ms. Positive). And to watch my new favorite show Weeds as much as possible. I love Mary Louise Parker.

Because I love lists, here are some Learnin's:

  1. I love my family a lot and wish we all lived closer to each other;
  2. I dislike petty family arguments;
  3. Eating is a competitive sport;
  4. "She" will always be a bitch;
  5. Keeping one's house at 61 degrees in the winter is NOT comfortable;
  6. Parking in Boston is a nightmare;
  7. Seeing a friend I have not seen in ten year is fantastic;
  8. Meeting our friends' seven day old baby felt amazing;
  9. My parents are as adorable as everyone says;
  10. It is better to let the little things go rather than give an opinion or be bossy;
  11. Death is sudden and unexpected;
  12. Seeing my aunt five days before she unexpectedly died made her passing a little easier;
  13. I wish I could travel with all my animal children during the holidays because they really are my family;
  14. A hybrid car would be awesome for traveling 1,000 plus miles round trip;
  15. It is impossible (for me) not to contract some virus while traveling;
  16. I actually like my in-laws;
  17. This town needs an Indian restaurant; AND
  18. Last, but certainly not least, this town and Prof. H and my house now feels like home.

Happy New Year.


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